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The TTECTrA generic closed-loop architecture.

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Source: Application of the Tool for Turbine Engine Closed-loop Transient Analysis (TTECTrA) for Dynamic Systems Analysis, Figure 2 It is anticipated that more efficient engine designs will result by accounting for the dynamic performance capability early in the engine design stage.


The purpose of this tool is to provide the user a preliminary estimate of the transient performance of an aircraft engine without the need to design a full nonlinear controller. TTECTrA is an open-source software tool developed in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The Tool for Turbine Engine Closed-loop Transient analysis (TTECTrA) was developed as an initial step for DSA of turbofan engines. Dynamic Systems Analysis (DSA) tools and techniques have been developed which can be used to evaluate competing configurations and technologies from the perspective of being able to meet transient performance, operational life and safety requirements.

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However, for complex systems such as aircraft engines, the capability to meet transient performance requirements over a wide operating envelope and a long operating life is critical. Systems Analysis is typically done with steady-state performance in mind. Control System Design & Analysis The Tool for Turbine Engine Closed-loop Transient Analysis (TTECTrA) Description The publicly available software tools highlighted here support control system design and analysis, systems health management, propulsion system modeling, unsteady combustion modeling, and propulsion component modeling. Many of these software tools have been made available to the public through NASA’s software and GitHub websites. One outcome of intelligent control and autonomy research is useful, cutting-edge software tools that support the development, modeling, analysis, and testing of advanced/intelligent control designs and systems health management capabilities. Home > Research & Engineering > Intelligent Control and Autonomy Free Software Tools for Control Design, Simulation, and Analysis

Aircraft simulation software free download